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5 results for pskit

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Description: Direct Replacement for Original Steering Valve 7075T- 6 Billet Aluminum Hydrostatic Manifolds Chrome Steering Column and Shaft Self-Lubricating Bronze Bushings Stainless Steel Hardware Uses...More Details »
Item #: JD4020PSKIT
Condition: New
Price: $1,150.00

Description: Description: For Early 30 Series Models Converts Original Steering Valves to a Modern Hydrostatic Design 2-Year Warranty 4030 before Ser# 008839 4230 before Ser# 019558 4430 before Ser# 027634
Item #: JD4030PSKIT
Condition: New
Price: $1,150.00

Description: Converts Original Steering Valves to a Modern Hydrostatic Design 2-Year Warranty
Item #: JD4630PSKIT
Condition: New
Price: $1,150.00

Description: Converts Original Steering Valves to a Modern Hydrostatic Design 2-Year Warranty
Item #: JD4520PSKIT
Condition: New
Price: $1,150.00

Description: Note:Use this fitting on Early 3020 and 4020 (tractors with hydraulic control levers on dash) Powershift Tractors with transmission release lever. Can shorten tee fitting by rebrazing fitting. 2-Year Warranty
Item #: AR26767-Short
Condition: New
Price: $45.70

Items 1-5 of 5

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